Where do we start with work design? Part 1

Where do we start with work design? Part 1

There is another saying that I like to remember - 'you can't manage what you can't measure'. The risk here is that we will 'measure' the wrong thing.  That's probably true,  And it's also possibly true that we won't quickly discover that we are measuring the wrong thing. If we are open to measuring lots of things at once, and open to deciding that one measure is better than another, then we can fine tune as we go along. 

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How work design will help you quit paper

How work design will help you quit paper

When people work off-site, taking a look at how paper fits into your workflows can open up new ways for your people to participate – and boost productivity. Here’s just one scenario.  One of your managers is in a hotel room in London, getting ready for a meeting tomorrow.  Then she realises: those carefully annotated notes are sitting in a binder on her desk, back in Canberra, where it’s currently 3am.

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