This tool acts like taking a pulse in a workplace health check where you are invited to share stories about experiences in your work and workplace at Marymead. By collecting many stories from many people, we start to see how to make everyone’s experience at work better.

We’d like your work stories to be heard and counted. If we can see the big picture, we can all work together to make a big difference.

You are unique; so are other people and the situations you encounter as you work. Please think about a recent experience working for Marymead where your work was made easier or more challenging. What happened?

How to Participate

It should take around 5-10 minutes for you to add a story to this pulse check and answer questions about what it means to you.

There are four steps to completing an entry.

Think of an actual work or work-like experience

You are unique; so are other people and the situations you encounter as you work. Please think about a recent experience working for Marymead where your work was made easier or more challenging. What happened?

Share your experience and give it a title

Write about your experience in the large box. In the smaller box below, give the experience a shorter title or a hashtag. Your experience is anonymous. You’ll also be asked to choose the level of detail we can share your experience. Together we can learn quickly about issues you face to support you and your work.

Tell us what your experience meant to you

You will be asked questions about the experience you have shared. Your answers will allow you to add more meaning to the experience. There are instructions to follow as you go. All of your answers are valued and there is not ‘wrong’ or ‘right’. Each experience is a one off; taken together these experiences describe your work situation.

Multiple choice  questions

These questions add  more meaning to help others understand your story or experience. If they don’t apply, tick NA. Please answer as many of these as you can. This information helps us understand the issues that people in different roles face in their work.

You are unique; so are other people and the situations you encounter as you work. Please think about a recent experience working for Marymead where your work was made easier or more challenging. What happened?

Consider the why, who, where, what when and how of that experience.

Your privacy

Sharing your experience is anonymous, but we still need your permission to use it. Before you start the pulse you’ll be asked to confirm your agreement to participate.

Please do not enter your name when you share your experience. The pulse will not ask for any information which could identify you.

In sharing your experience you might include information about…..

Who People involved, behaviours, thinking

What Tools, objects, materials

How Processes, control

Why Purpose outcomes, goals

Where Places or spaces for work

When Time taken or timing