
As an expert, you will know a lot about your particular work or research area. One thing we might agree on in these uncertain times is that what we know as experts can and should be challenged until a new direction is set. Even then, progress needs to be tracked as the world we work in and manage is changing fast. When mentoring, Wendy aims to combine what you know you know, with what can be anticipated, through research, networking and a ‘foresight’ approach, about your particular business situation. This will help you get to new insights on those hard to solve issues in the context of tomorrow’s work in your organisation.

If you are like many professionals now, you might be surrounded by text and words. From tweets to Zoom conversations, from white papers, surveys, interviews to focus groups and more. Wendy’s specialty is story based data and text modelling with narrative in multiple forms. If you want to be more hands on and learn how to explore and track what is going on in your area, Wendy can introduce you a how to work with the text and spoken word data in your field, backed up by range of models and tools. She’ll show you how to use them and be available to guide your research.

Mentoring is mostly online using web based conferencing or face to face if you are local to Canberra Australia. Options include a half day programme for an individual or team, a package of 3 sessions or a year-long programme with a mix of face to face and online sessions.